Need help to find what you are looking for? Here is a list of all the pages on this website for easy reference.


  • About Us: For information about who we are, our mission and values, our faculty and training partners.
  • Research: The scientific studies that support our work at the Healthy Thinking Institute.
  • Quality Indicators: The proof that supports our work at the Healthy Thinking Institute.
  • Resources: Tools and products that are used as part of Healthy Thinking training programmes.
  • News & Blog: Updates on news and events on Healthy Thinking. Dr. Tom Mullholland’s blog and opinion editorials.
  • Contact Us: How to get in touch with us.


  • eLearning: Information about the Healthy Thinking Online Programme that can be used by individuals and groups.
  • Individuals: Healthy Thinking programmes for personal use.
  • Businesses & Organisations: Healthy Thinking programmes for companies that want to create a Healthy Thinking workplace.
  • Schools & Families: Healthy Thinking programmes for groups that comprise of children, youth and/or adults.