Our Products and Services
Unhealthy Emotions, Attitudes, and Behaviours (EAB's) have wide ranging consequences on individual function and corporate performance.
The Healthy Thinking Institute Ltd (HTI) is the manufacturer of a number of diagnostic and treatment products, to reduce stress, anxiety and other unhealthy emotions, attitudes and behaviours.
The Healthy Thinking Institute Ltd (HTI) aims to further develop and enhance this core set of tools to teach Healthy Thinking and to offer them worldwide.
Product Focus
HTI specialises in well developed and researched programs that teach;
- Brain functionality with a view to better self management of thoughts.
- Emotions and why we have them
- Unhealthy emotions, how they arise and how to recognise them
- Emotional algebra as a strategy for moving from unhealthy to Healthy Thinking
- Deactivation of unhealthy Alarm Emotions using cognitive switching
- Unhealthy attitudes; how they arise and how to recognise them
- Changing unhealthy attitudes to healthy attitudes
- Healthy and unhealthy thinking
- Healthy Thinking as an anti-depression ‘cogniceutical'
- Healthy Thinking for better goal achievement
- Healthy Thinking for schools
- Healthy Thinking for better organisations
- Healthy Thinking for special needs (includes prisons, refuges, disabilities etc)
- Implementing a roll-out of Healthy Thinking across organisations.
- Finding Happiness in a complex world
- We offer public speaking and workshops for small or large groups on any of the topics above or related matters.
- In-house culture development programs - consulting with you to assist your organisation to achieve its aims.
- The Healthy Thinking e-course. An On line course consisting of 6 modules and an online secure diary where you can record your ideas and progress towards remodelling your way of thinking. It takes 6 weeks to change a habit and this course remains open to you for a year after enrolment so you can use it intensively initially then revisit as often as you need to cement in the changes that will make you a Healthy Thinker for life! For individuals but is powerfully effective applied across organisations.
The Web delivered ecourse training with video covers;- What emotions are and why we have them
- What unhealthy emotions are (false alarm emotions)
- What sets them off (triggers)
- How to recognise unhealthy emotions as they occur
- their link to depression, pathological anxiety and addiction.
- A CBT 5 step approach is used.
- Using emotional algebraTM to deactivate unhealthy emotions.
- Assessment of Attitude states and unhealthy thinking profiles such as
- The Demander, Justifier etc. An example of such profiles is provided as appendix 3.
- Diary-based self awareness and treatment strategy.
- Healthy Thinking Books, ebooks and audiobooks which give you the core concepts of Healthy Thinking and allow you to work on yourself.
- The Attitude Profile psychometric test to identify your current attitude mix and identify remediation you can apply yourself to change unhealthy attitudes to healthier attitudes. Available for use on-line by individuals or organisations. Approximately 16 page report generated instantly you complete the test and transmitted to you as a printable PDF.
- Other merchandise includes No Moan Zone posters and Attitude cards sets.
About Us
On-line e-course in Healthy Thinking
Keynote and workshop presentations
Attitude Profiler psychometric test to report and remediate your own unhealthy Attitudes and those of others.
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