Healthy Thinking

Healthy Thinking E-Course
Online Attitude Profile Psychometric Test


The Healthy Thinking Institute Ltd is involved in a heavy international program of speaking on topics related to reducing stress in the workplace and in life in general, using Healthy Thinking techniques.

Our most commonly booked speaker is Doctor Tom Mulholland founder of the Healthy Thinking Institute Ltd and originator of many of the concepts of Healthy Thinking in the manner it is delivered. A number of expert psychologsts and educators are also trained to deliver Healthy Thinking talks as and where required and at prices to suit budgets.

Who is Dr Tom?

Can you turn your life around simply by changing your mind?

Dr Tom did and from his experience, he has created a life-changing toolkit so that you can too. The Healthy Thinking® approach helps people live the life they dream.

Dr Tom has survived a Tsunami, divorce, single parenthood, the dot com crash, has even been stabbed by home invaders yet he still has a smile on his face. Dr Tom has influenced tens of thousands of people worldwide to find a better way to be, with his Healthy Thinking® approach. Yes! You can make crucial changes in your thinking that will change the outcome of most situations - not just in times of crisis but in every part of your life.

Dr Tom, with a First Class Honours degree in Molecular biology and a Medical Doctorate, has had an amazing career that has also included being a Forest Ranger, Pilot and Entrepreneur. He still works part time as a Doctor in a busy Emergency Department of a hospital.

In spite of his impressive CV Dr Tom learned through personal experience that life sometimes serves us lemons when he lost control of his internet business and his marriage faltered. The strain led to depression.

Dr Tom had been no stranger to depression, but it had always been in other people. As a practicing doctor it was a condition presented surprisingly often by patients.

But here was a case of physician heal thyself.

Dr Tom personally tried anti-depressant medicines which helped some, but were not an answer in themselves. Then he made a more personal discovery that would not only bring him out of a depressed state but would also become a visionary concept that would help tens of thousands of people around the world to perceive situations with greater clarity and to behave in ways that produce positive, motivating outcomes.

Today, Dr Tom walks the walk. He will show you how to turn life's lemons into lemonade as he has. His books have become international bestsellers and his corporate engagements make him one of the most in-demand change agents in Australasia. He even has his own television show, Dr Tom - The Attitude Doctor and regularly ‘guests' on others.

Dr Tom at a glance:

  • Began 8 successful start-up companies.
  • Raised millions in venture capital for internet start-up Doctor Global.
  • Performed the first on-line patient consultation in the world via the Internet.
  • Established the first student-owned tutoring service and the first second hand car fair in the region whilst studying medicine.
  • Founded and was Medical Director of one of New Zealand's first private accident and medical clinics.
  • Won four different Chamber of Commerce business awards.
  • Became an elected member of a District Health Board, Vice Chairman of a Hospital Advisory Committee, Chairman of a regional Medical Testing Laboratory, trustee of a Health Foundation and Chairperson of Health Intelligence, toured New Zealand talking to doctors about stress and Healthy ThinkingTM - to name a few medical leadership roles.
  • Was Doctor to the Fijian and Taranaki Rugby teams.
  • Performed and toured as a stand up comedian to develop skills as a public speaker.
  • Perennial adventurer having;
  • survived a tidal wave in Java while surfing
  • organised a relief mission to Indonesia to assist with the boxing day Tsunami
  • been the Doctor on the Chatham Islands.
  • Is a successful author with his best selling books, Healthy ThinkingTM and The Power of Healthy ThinkingTM.
  • Is a full time speaker, facilitator and mentor known as 'The Attitude Doctor'.
  • Has worked with Google, Microsoft, Telecom and Hewlett Packard, Hilton Hotels, Sovereign Insurance, CBA Bank and other major corporates
  • Got his marriage and family back together after 4 years of divorce by using Healthy Thinking® to change his attitudes and behaviours

Courses, Seminars and Workshops

Healthy thinking offers a face to face one day course program that can be delivered by trained consultants in your region.

Seminars and Workshops

Whether you have 10 employees or 10,000, Healthy ThinkingTM seminars and e-courses deliver results.

Keynote speeches for Conferences

The combination of the highly valued Healthy ThinkingTM concepts and Dr Tom's unique style make him a sought after keynote speaker. He combines intelligence with entertainment and approachability.

To discuss your needs ontact by email:

Our products and services
on-line Digital Learning Solution in Healthy Thinking
Healthy Thinking books
keynote and workshop presentations
Attitude Profiler Diagnostic Test to report and remediate your own unhealthy Attitudes and those of others.