Healthy Thinking

Healthy Thinking E-Course
Online Attitude Profile Psychometric Test


How long does the ecourse take?

A few hours to a few months, its up to you. The more you put into it, the more you get out of it. We recommend employers allow people 30 minutes a week for a month to get the basics of Healthy Thinking, the rest can be done at home.

How long does it take to become a healthy thinker?

Some people are hugely changed even from their first read of the Healthy Thinking book. It does really depend on the individual and what they bring/apply to the process, The learning has to come from within, so the will to learn must be engaged.

What sort of people benefit from Healthy Thinking?

Everybody can benefit from learning to manage their unhealthy emotions. Most people have a mix of unhealthy thinking patterns which are easily corrected. CEOs, Doctors, pilots, janitors, parents and children have all benefited form Healthy Thinking. We get emails daily from people saying how Healthy Thinking has changed or saved their life.

"I can't guarantee that Healthy Thinking can change your life, but I can guarantee it may save your life," Warwick Grey. Business Manager, Microsoft.

What does the ecourse cost for corporates?

It depends on how many logins you purchase. Please ask

What value do I get from the ecourse in the workplace?

The cost of sending an employee to a full day program could be as high as $1000 or more. The on-line interactive e-development program delivers consistent, reliable e-learning with guaranteed and proven results.

You will notice significant reductions in KPI's like;

  • complaints received,
  • absenteeism, and
  • staff turnover.

You will notice positive benefits or increases in

  • staff engagement,
  • workplace culture,
  • productivity and
  • solving issues through a common organizational language of Healthy Thinking.

How do I find out more?

Contact one of our global partners near you, or find one at;

Our products and services
on-line Digital Learning Solution in Healthy Thinking
Healthy Thinking books
keynote and workshop presentations
Attitude Profiler Diagnostic Test to report and remediate your own unhealthy Attitudes and those of others.