Our Guarantee
Quality indicators
We believe that some marks of the quality of the work the Healthy Thinking Institute has completed to date are;
- Large volumes of testimonials from clients, book-readers, patients and parents saying how Healthy Thinking® has successfully treated their depression, as a result of either speeches, workshops, consultations or reading the Healthy Thinking® books. Some are included under Testimonials, as an example. Healthy Thinking® has been delivered to a large number of health based clinical groups internationally and has been extremely well received as indicated by the large nimber of international health clients. See Clients.
- The outstanding nature of these testomonials we receive from individuals and organisations around the world.
- The fact that some of the largest companies in the world such as Google, Hilton, Audi, Microsoft and HP, are choosing to use The Healthy Thinking Institute Ltd to deliver its Healthy Thinking® approach throughout their organisations.
- The support we get from people who have done the program. They become true promoters.
- Auckland Medical School has given the Institute's Principal Dr Tom Mulholland an honorary lectureship at the Auckland Medical School
- The Healthy Thinking Institute has run successful pilots for getting sickness beneficiaries with Stress and Depression back to work by changing their attitude.
- Large companies and psychological groups as far afield as Singapore, USA, Australia, India and Malasia are having Dr Mulholland to guest-speak.
- Independent research has shown that the approach works, and that the learning lasts over a long period of time.
- The Healthy Thinking Institute Ltd is involved in development trials for an approach suited to schools and teaching Healthy Thinking to children and teens.
Having said all that, we will give a full refund if for any reason, the resources or services you purchase do not work for you.
Our products and serviceson-line Digital Learning Solution in Healthy Thinking
Healthy Thinking books
keynote and workshop presentations
Attitude Profiler Diagnostic Test to report and remediate your own unhealthy Attitudes and those of others.
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