October 28, 2008


Posted by Dr. Tom Mulholland at 9:54 am

I recently completed a speaking tour of New Zealand on technology for Microsoft and Hewlett Packard. As Chairman of a Health technology company and being an early adopter I thought I was reasonably up with the play with technology.One of the best lines of the tour was that “The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed!” Well it certainly was not as evenly distributed my way. I was amazed at some of the touch screen technology. The ability to put your hand on a screen and get your ring sized was awesome. A microsoft programme called Silverlight was equally amazing. To me it was like Google earth, you could look down and into websites and get 3D images of minute detail.


It really bought home to me that if you dont want to be left behind with technology you would rather keep up. Often we avoid technology due to unhealthy thinking. Despite having a good attitude I put off purchasing a server for the office. Even someone saying “Tom you SHOULD get a server had my internal software saying, How would I work it, I dont need one, it will be too much hassle, I will wait until a better system comes out…” Well procrastination is the thief of time. I took the plunge (just like my recent 1st Bungy jump) bought a server, got a new netbook (mini laptop) and took the ride.


What a difference it has made to my life and my business. My multiple computers and documents all connect. When I am the road (every week) I can check my availability, share my documents with publishers, printers and business colleagues. I seriously dont know how I managed my business and life without a dedicated server. As I say in my talks and seminars, SO WHAT WILL YOU DO DIFFERENTLY AS A RESULT OF TODAY?

So I went and got a new windows mobile phone. I am sure some if not most of you have been having full screen access and synchronistaion with your email, calendar and contacts for a long time. If you work for a corporate or large business maybe they pay for it. For most of us running small and medium business we are what a friend of mine John Morrell calls us a”busy fools”. We run around like mad things telling everyone how busy we are!!!

Well this busy fool has harnessed technology, got a new phone and server, got some new school applications and added about 5 hours of time to my week. By doing that I have taken away 5 hours of unecessary tasks like using memory sticks to transfer files across machines. I dont know why they call them memory sticks, I can never remember where I put them.


All this could not have been possible without the team at Code Blue. They remotely manage my computer, install new programs and take the headache out of new technology. www.codeblue.co.nz

I cant recommend their service highly enough.

So whatever anxiety you may have about new technology work out what you are thinking. Then, is it true, is it worth and does that thought help you achieve your goal. It may be that unhealthy thoughts are stopping you growing your business and making life easier for yourself. Lets face it, technology is not going away. Technology is not stressful, it is our view of that is. Despite what we think, I am sure my computer system does not wake up every morning and make a decision to frustrate me, crash or do weird things.

In the unlikely event it does, at least I know how to get it fixed. I can change my software between my ears rather than waste time with old school technology and do something about it!

So what will you do differently?

October 2, 2008

Road Trip

Posted by Dr. Tom Mulholland at 8:04 am

As a professional speaker I get to do many road, plane and boat trips. Currently I am on a 6 city tour with Microsoft, Hewlett Packard and the Chamber of Commerce talking about technology, happiness and workplace productivity. If you read my last blog you will see that I mentioned my new Audi Q7 as one of my new pillars of happiness. Well I would have to add my new server as well. On the road I can access files, share documents with my publisher and files with my business partners. I can log on remotely and its like being in my office.

Gone are the days of forever looking for memory sticks. (I dont know why they call them memory sticks, I can hardly remember where I have put them) Instead of transferring files from laptop, to netbook and desktop machine, they all synchronise. I get phone calls on the road, can I do this speaking engagement?, now my calendar is automatically synched. Its like i-tunes on the road, I dont have to wait until I get back to the office (in this case in 2 weeks).


For some reason this morning my internet connection wont connect me with my server, I could choose to be unhappy, but can also use webmail until I get the guys from Code Blue to diagnose and treat the problem. The flip side of getting material things that make us happy, when we lose or damage them it can make us unhappy, (Deep Breath) if we let them.

So a confession. My new gleaming, safe, stunning reliable Audi Q7! Well I was driving my pride and joy in Wellington, New Zealands Capital city on this road trip. being school holidays I have my 12 year old son Thomas and his mate Harry on tour, setting up stands, being roadies and helping out. Having a spare few hours we decided to go to Te papa, our National museum. No car parks. So I arrive at the barrier arm with my ticket and the man goes to charge me $3. “But I couldn’t get a park, I protested, you are full!”

“You can park against that wall” he yelled through the booth window against the driving rain and gale force winds that were about to hinder my vision.

Suddenly a car pulls up behind me and blocks my exit. The man in the booth waves defiantly at the poor woman behind me to reverse back. She does; but not far enough. Do I get out in the sleet and explain; or carefully manouevre my rocket ship through the gap.

Armed with a reversing camera, proximity sensors and my own skills I choose the latter. All is going well, I reverse until a sickening sound of metal on metal. A blue pole jumps out on my right and scrapes along my door, taking the mirror with it. It had cleverly positioned itself between the alarms.

I feel sick. In horror I open the door and look at the side of the silver Audi spaceship. It looks like aliens have taken to it with a can opener. A blue one. I throw menancing glances at the booth operator, and the woman behind me. It is all their fault! It must be. I really do feel unwell. Then a 12 year old voice pipes up. “Healthy Thinking Dr Tom!!”

My sons mate Harry has just hit me with one of my own COGNITHERAPEUTICALS. I REMEMBER I am immunised with some Healthy Thinking therapeutic thoughts. “It is not what happens to me but my attitude that counts, crisis = opportunity, etc etc.

I stop feeling sick, refrain from blaming everyone else, park the Audi and prepare to go to the museum. At that moment, the person blocking my exit also parks in front of me now. As they walk towards the museum they throw an unsympathetic look at the side of my Audi, (or should I say Continental Car Services in Newmarket Aucklands Audi) and say “Dont you hate that”!

Lucky my grumpy unit had been disengaged. Lucky I know about fundamental attribution error and the Denialist. When we make a mistake, we blame the situation, or someone else. When someone else makes a mistake we can blame their character (The Judge).

Lucky Mark Bycroft from Continental cars has been on my Healthy Thinking Course! Lucky we are insured, lucky I didnt run anyone over.

Lucky it’s only a scratch. A wound that can be healed. Lucky the Audi Q7 has carried us without complaining to 2 more cities on our journey. It has not missed a beat.

So maybe if you read this blog and want another, or your first Audi, go and see Mark Bycroft at Continental Cars tell him Dr Tom sent you!. Tell him you appreciate his Healthy Thinking and great attitude. I will be doing the same when I direct him to the blog.

It seems a nicer way of telling him! 4 more cities to go, I had better start looking for gifts!