Recently I took my teenage son to the Parachute Music Festival. Though he loves it, the cost of $190 for him was more than he could afford. But the organizers had tried something new for families - pay what you could afford. So we went, we made a donation and he had a great time.
If we had more we would have donated more, but we paid what we could afford - and what I thought it was worth. Time will tell if this concept will pay the organisers enough to fund the infrastructure involved, and keep the festival going. I hope so.
It got me thinking about Healthy Thinking. We have discovered a cure for much of what troubles individuals, families and society. Conflict, unhealthy attitudes, negative emotions and self talk that undermines confidence and limits performance can be greatly helped with some Healthy Thinking.
As a medical doctor I have had to suffer divorce, setback, being stabbed, almost killed by a Tsunami, and raising teenagers!
I discovered how to manage my emotions and deal with what life throws at me, and I called this intervention Healthy Thinking. From this start, TV shows, books, global speaking engagements for the likes of Google and Microsoft, thousands of emails, an academic appointment to a Universities and consequent research have shown us that Healthy Thinking works.
Teaming up with other Doctors, Psychiatrists, Teachers and Psychologists, we built an on line program that gives you the tools to become more emotionally fit and to think, feel and act in a healthy way.
We have been selling the on line program for $150 per person to fund our continued research and development in this area and the work we do in schools and other areas such as hospitals and ambulance services.
To be honest with you, trying to negotiate with people, suppliers, web developers and the like on price is not something I enjoy.
If I had discovered a cure for cancer, I would feel bad charging people for the cure.
Thousands of people globally from top athletes, executives, parents and children have used Healthy Thinking to improve their enjoyment of life and what it has to offer, through this easy structured approach.
Like other companies and the Parachute music festival, our staff and business has costs as well.
We want to continue to change your world, one thought at a time. We want to do more talks in schools, develop more applications of Healthy Thinking such as for IPADs, write more books and programs and do more radio interviews.
You can help your world by becoming a Healthy Thinker. You can help our world by helping us develop more tools, to help more people and make it a better place.
Please feel free to share this with someone who needs some help, or who may be able to help us.
With heartfelt thanks and best wishes.