Welcome to the Healthy Thinking Institute. Home of Healthy Thinking and Dr. Tom Mulholland. Increase personal satisfaction and increase business productivity with Healthy Thinking. Achieve new levels of success in your life and your business with a course in Healthy Thinking. Healthy Thinking books and programmes are available from this site. Book Dr. Tom Mulholland to personally coach you or speak at your conference or workplace.

Book Dr Tom as a Leadership Coach

Dr Tom Mulholland can coach select clients usually at CEO level. These places are strictly limited and a year long program is the minimum.

This service can be offered as an add-on to a Healthy Thinking Organisation's year-long program.

Email Dr Tom Mulholland direct for more details

"Dr Tom was introduced to our senior leaders at a conference in Rotorua in 2006. Our future leaders will be successful because of the way they think and influence their people around them. It’s all about the level of emotional intelligence not the technical knowledge that will differentiate our brand. This year we are investing in developing Coaching programmes for senior leaders as the Works way for leading people. However leaders can only truly coach for performance if they are self aware and aware of others.
Dr Tom’s methods do give you the confidence to stand back, become mindful of your inner thoughts and realise that thoughts are not always the facts. The Healthy Thinking concepts have helped me to get into the moment, be present, move to a place of curiosity not judgement and become more self aware.
I recommend Dr Tom’s programme as a leadership development initiative to help leaders make a difference"
Peter Reidy
COO Works Infrastructure July 2007

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