It’s hard to change your personality, but you can change your Attitude!
After years of research and thousands of surveys we have found not only common triggers for stress and frustration, but a series of unhealthy attitude types and their healthy antidotes.
Sometimes we can experience all unhealthy types at once. In reality a series of types in sequence makes a profile.
(click on the sentences below to reveal the attitude profile)
For example;
- People must treat me with respect.
- When they don’t it means they don’t like me.
- Therefore they are awful.
A more Healthy alternative would be;
(click on the sentences below to reveal the attitude profile)
- I would prefer if people treated me with respect.
- I will see if they have a good reason for being disrespectful if in fact they are.
- If they have a good case they can defend their attitude. If not, then I will advocate their right to find someone else.
Take a quick test. This is a sample question from our profiling workbook, part of our program we use to help teach Healthy Thinking®.
(click on the sentences below to reveal the attitude profile)
If one wrong thing happens in your day you:
- Replay it over and over again in your mind.
- Think it’s someone else’s fault.
- Compensate by going shopping or drinking.
- Think you couldn’t stand having another bad day tomorrow.
- Focus on all the good days you have had.
If you want to TAKE the FULL TEST AND GET A REPORT Go to home page and click on ATTITUDE PROFILER